Tag Archives: health

Are You Getting Enough Magnesium?

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Do you suffer from muscle cramps or spasms in the middle of the night? Does your restless leg interrupt your loved one’s sleep? Have your been diagnosed with high blood pressure, thyroid issues, or irregular heartbeat?  It could be that you are lacking in the important mineral called magnesium.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “Every organ in the body — especially the heart, muscles, and kidneys — needs the mineral magnesium. It also contributes to the makeup of teeth and bones. Most important, it activates enzymes, contributes to energy production, and helps regulate calcium levels, as well as copper, zinc, potassium, vitamin D, and other important nutrients in the body.”

People can have temporary magnesium deficiency caused by the flu or other sickness. Some, who may be taking medications such as diuretics or who may have irritable bowl syndrome or colitis may experience low magnesium levels. Diabetes, high thyroid levels, and kidney disease can also be detrimental to the magnesium levels in the body.  If the magnesium stays low, then other issues can arise.

mag foods to eatHow can you raise your magnesium? Eating the right foods is a good start.  Pumpkin seeds, cooked spinach, black beans, brown rice, cashews, dark chocolate, halibut are some healthy foods that may help raise your magnesium levels. You can also take a relaxing soak in an Epsom salt bath.  In this method, your body can absorb magnesium through your skin and help reverse your magnesium deficiency. And since magnesium is more easily absorbed through your skin than it is internally, it is possible to purchase commercially made magnesium oil online or you could learn to make your own magnesium oil at home. You may also wish to add vitamins B, and K to your diet. It is believed that magnesium will be better absorbed if these vitamins are also available to the body.

So if you are feeling that your  symptoms are related to a magnesium deficiency make sure to add some magnesium rich foods  to your diet, soak in an Epsom salt bath, and make or buy yourself some magnesium lotion.  Check first with your doctor to make sure magnesium supplementation does not interact with any medications you are currently prescribed.

More information…

How to Make Your Own Magnesium Lotion.

Magnesium is the underrated Master Mineral-Natural News.com

Source: Magnesium | University of Maryland Medical Center http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/magnesium#ixzz3fFjTvvBo
University of Maryland Medical Center
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U.S. Army Veteran Harassed by Collection Agency

Have you heard this story?  At http://rt.com/usa/news/us-debt-collector-disabled-veteran-372/ they tell the horror of Michael Collier and his wife who have been harassed by a Minnesota Collection Agency as they try to collect on a $6000.00 student loan that is in default.   According to the couple, the collection agency and its lawyers continued to bombard them with repeated threats and verbal curses after they were given an exemption from a court.

  “If you would have served our country better you would not be a disabled veteran living off Social Security while the rest of us honest Americans work our a–es off,” one of the agency’s debt collectors allegedly told the vet. “Too bad, you should have died.”

According to the article, “The couple is now seeking compensation for actual damages, statutory damages, and punitive damages for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), privacy invasion, malicious infliction of emotional distress and conversion.”

What really makes me angry is that this veteran, Michael Collier, received disability after having permanent spine and head injuries while in the Army.  His service to our country should afford him respectful treatment from all Americans including debt collectors.  I question the reason Mr. Collier even has a student loan debt.  Shouldn’t he receive schooling as part of his service? Moreover, if collection agencies are allowed to treat a disabled veteran and his wife this way, how can any other citizen in this country expect to be treated any better?

What do you think?

Sources Cited

‘You should’ve served US better and died!’ Debt collector berates disabled veteran. (2012, October 14). Retrieved from RT: http://rt.com/usa/news/us-debt-collector-disabled-veteran-372/

ROSS, J. (2012, October 12). The Worst Debt Collector in the World? Retrieved from Courthouse News Service: http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/10/12/51225.htm


©Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

4 Reasons to Eat Breakfast

The next time you are tempted to run out the door without eating breakfast, you may want to remember that there are good reasons for stocking up on granola bars and orange juice. 

Better Immune System

People who eat breakfast consume more essential nutrients (including calcium, fiber, protein and vitamins C, B1, B2, and D) than people who do not eat in the morning.  After fasting for 6-8 hours, the digestive system is primed to easily digest the nutrients eaten at breakfast.  Generally speaking, good nutrition means better resistance to infections.  When your immune system is fueled by the morning nutrients and vitamins it is better equipped to handle the job of protecting you from colds, flu, and cancer.

You will live longer

According to the University of California, breakfast eaters may live longer than those who pass on the morning meal.   Those people who were studied show significant difference in blood sugar levels and blood pressure than those who chose not to eat in the morning.  Breakfast lovers may simply be more likely to stay in shape and exercise than their breakfast skipping counterparts.  These factors could contribute to a long life for breakfast eaters.

Brain Booster

Studies have shown that test scores improved in inner city children who ate a healthy breakfast.  According to an article at the National Institutes of Health, “Six months after the start of the free school breakfast programs, students who decreased their nutritional risk showed significantly greater: improvements in attendance and school breakfast participation, decreases in hunger, and improvements in math grades and behavior than children who did not decrease their nutritional risk.” Therefore, it seems that eating breakfast can increase attention span and boost the brain so learning can take place.

Weight Control

Eating breakfast can help maintain weight and even help in weight loss. The idea is that keeping your body fed and fueled will aid in the ability to lose weight. It helps by controlling hunger.  “When you skip breakfast, says Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. at the Mayo Clinic, you later become ravenous and are more likely to overeat.”  This can add up to weight gain.  Experts believe that skipping breakfast can add about 1 pound every seven weeks, which equals about 8 pounds a year, even if the caloric intake remains the same.

Quick Breakfast Ideas

Granola Bar and Orange Juice

Protein Shake, a Banana, and almond Milk

Yogurt, with almonds

Toast with peanut butter


Works Cited

A breakfast of meat and eggs or nothing at all linked to extra weight . (2003, 8 1). Retrieved from University of California: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/5630

Katherine Zeratsky, R. L. (2011, 7 23). Weight Loss. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/food-and-nutrition/AN01119

R.E. Kleinman, a. S.-R. (2012, 2 9). Diet, Breakfast, and Academic Performance in Children. Retrieved from National Institute of Health: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3275817/


Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


When Healing Becomes A Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and Therapies by Kenny Ausubel

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When Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative TherapiesWhen Healing Becomes a Crime: The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics and the Return of Alternative Therapies by Kenny Ausubel

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This Exposé is the story of Harry Hoxsey and of the politics of cancer. It is an eye-opening look at the dirty secrets of oncology. The author, Kenny Ausubel, shares the intriguing story of Harry Hoxsey, whose great-grandfather stumbled upon a cure for cancer. Harry received the recipe for the herbal salve and tonic from his grandfather on his deathbed. He told Harry to guard the secret with his life because there people out there who would want it at any cost. He also told Harry not to charge those who lacked funds to pay for the treatment.

Harry Hoxsey followed his grandfather’s creed until his death. He cured thousands of cancer patients and at one time had the largest cancer treatment center in Texas with branches in 17 states. He was also touted to be the biggest snake oil salesman who ever lived.

How can a man who saves so many lives be a quack? Well according to Morris Fishbein, the editor of the American Medical Association (AMA) Journal, the Hoxey Formula was useless folk medicine against cancer. Fishbein wielded his influence to have Hoxey arrested, harassed, and his clinics closed down.

In the second half of the book, we learn that there are many alternative methods to treat cancer. Most of these methods are never shared with the American public because of the politics involved. We learn what roles the AMA, the FDA, and the National Institute of Health, play in the treatment of cancer. The standard treatment in our country is surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. They have been the only option for those who are suffering from cancer.

The author does extensive research into alternative methods and the Hoxey Formula. Scientific testing done on individual herbs used in the Hoxsey formula has been proven to have anti-cancer properties to cure some forms of cancer.

This is a must read book for anyone who has cancer or has a loved one with cancer. Although, there are not cures in this book, there are many citations of research directed at alternative methods. Warning: This book will make you furious about the state of Cancer Treatment in America at this time. The money and politics involved in the big business of cancer creates a barrier for alternative methods of treatment to be used.

Kenny Ausubel also made an award-winning documentary entitled, “Project Censored’s “Best Censored Story” that follows the Hoxsey story with live footage of Hoxey and his clinic.

You may also wish to listen to Ausubel’s interview on Coast-to-Coast AM at http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/20…



Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

View all my reviews

Water Your Body!!

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“I’m melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world!”   That is how most of us in the country are going to feel today after record heat hits a great portion of the states. Temperatures are predicted to reach over 100 degrees in many areas and stay in the upper 90’s for the weekend.  According to www.weather.com, “More than 2 dozen states will be feeling extreme heat in the coming days, and countless records are expected to fall in the final days of June.”

When the temperature soars, taking care of yourself and your loved ones can be tricky. Keeping your body cool and hydrated is the goal. Eating foods that are high in water content is a great way to stay hydrated. According to Rachel Brandite, a registered dietician, interviewed on the Weather Channel, the following foods are optimal in water-content.

High-Water Count Foods

Watermelon          cantaloupe            tomatoes              lettuce

Apples                     cherries                 strawberries        Italian Ice

Fruit Bars               grapefruit             peaches                blueberries

Cucumbers             gelatin                   pudding               Popsicle

Garden Salads               


High Water Content Foods

Foods with a high fat count will actually make your body work harder and they should be avoided in the heat.  The thermal effect of high fat food actually makes your body hotter. These foods include potato salads, burgers, bread, French fries, fried foods, and foods that include dairy. 

Drinking many fluids, especially water will keep you healthy and hydrated.  Avoid sugar sweetened or artificially sweetened drinks, alcoholic beverages and coffee.  These drinks actually dehydrate the body and could lead to overheating.  

Most of all, take it easy.  Work and play slowly, and keep your body hydrated. Weather this hot call for playing in the sprinkler, diving in the pool, or sitting in the shade.  Let the ice melt in a nice cool drink, but keep your body cool.


Related Articles and Posts

Foods that are “Cool”

15 Ways to Keep Cool when it is Hot


How to BEAT THE HEAT! City Shares Tips on How to Stay Cool During Heat Wave

Grandmother’s Ginger Lemonade


Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

How to Get Rid of Warts

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Common Warts can be pesky little things.  They can be found on any part of the body, but are generally seen on the hands, wrists, and feet.  Warts are caused by a virus called HPV or the Human Papillomavirus.  This virus is considered contagious and can lead to the spreading of warts to other parts of the body.
Below are some treatments suggested for the removal of Common Warts.  Since a virus causes warts, no treatment can be 100% effective if the virus returns.  Always see your doctor if a wart does not go away or seems to be getting worse.  It is also important to remember, that just because a remedy worked for someone else, it does not mean that it will also work for you.  However, with a wide variety of different treatments to choose from, you are sure to find at least one successful way to treat your wart.


Salicylic Acid At home treatment.  Usually takes 2-3 weeks Gels, drops, pads, or plasters applied to wart. Will work on common warts on hands, wrists, legs, or feet.  Will also work on corns.
Aerosol  Freeze Sprays At home treatmentUsually takes 2 weeks Spray applied directly to wart. Will work on common warts on hands, wrists, legs, or feet.
Duct Tape At home treatmentMust leave on for 6-10 days. Duct Tape or  Electrical Tape to cover wart. Use just enough to only cover wart. Works best on fingers. Tape tends to fall off often and must be replaced.
Tea Tree Oil At home treatment Essential Oil of Tea TreeApply directly on the wart daily. Works to remove the virus. Very effective.
Essential Lemon Oil At home treatment Apply directly to the wart until gone. Some success seen with this method.
Liquid Nitrogen Doctor’s Office/Dermatologist Liquid applied directly to wart. Very effective. Works quickly. Good for stubborn warts.
Electric Needle Doctor’s Office/Dermatologist Needle with tiny bits of electricity burn the wart and its roots. Very effective.  Works quickly. Good for stubborn warts. May leave scarring.
imiquimod (Aldara), Doctor’s Office/Dermatologist Gel or cream applied to wart. Imiquimod belongs to a group of drugs called immune response modifiers. It is believed to work by helping to activate your immune system to fight these abnormal skin growths. Not recommended for children under 12.
Laser Treatment Doctor’s Office/Dermatologist Laser directed at wart Works effectively. May take 2or 3 treatments. Usually does not leave scars.
Surgical curettage Doctor’s Office/Dermatologist Removal of wart through surgery with local anesthesia Works immediately. May leave scars.


©Jamie Nowinski 5/20/2012

Article: Common Warts Treatment. (2012, May 15). Retrieved from Medicine Net. com: http://www.medicinenet.com/warts_common_warts/article.htm
Artman. (2007, 11 18). “Home Remedies for Removing Warts”. Retrieved from disabled-world.com: http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/removing-warts.shtml
British Medical Journal, August 31,2002. (2003, March). Treating Warts. Retrieved from Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide: http://www.health.harvard.edu/fhg/updates/update0303d.shtml
Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

House Plants = Healthy Indoor Air

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Keeping our air clean and free from chemicals is a concern for us all, especially the air we breathe indoors. 

Today, buildings are better insulated and hold more toxic chemicals than at any time in history.  Toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, and petroleum-based materials reside in our homes creating a potentially harmful environment. Plants can help to eliminate some of these toxins and add ambiance to our residence.

According to research done by NASA, living green and flowering plants, clean pollutants in the air. We close up our houses in the winter due to the cold weather and breathe reconstituted air-filled with contaminants. These contaminants come from the furniture we sit on, the cabinets we open, and the carpeting we walk on. “Harmful indoor pollutants represent a serious health problem that is responsible for more than 1.6 million deaths each year”, according to a 2002 World Health Organization report. These impurities in our air has attributed to a rise in chronic and reoccurring sinus infections, chronic post-nasal drainage, asthma, bronchial infections, ear infections, and other illness cause by synthetic contaminants. Unfortunately, summertime does not alleviate the problem, due to climate controlled homes and office buildings where air conditioning is taking the place of heating systems when the weather turns hot.

The good news is that we can reduce the effects of the most common toxins by adding houseplants to our homes.  Plants produce oxygen, add moisture, and filter out toxins in the air neutralizing indoor pollution. By placing, a few houseplants around our homes and using specific types of houseplants our environment can be beautiful and healthy.

Below is a list of beneficial houseplants and the toxins they are best at filtering.

Plant Names

Toxin it Removes

Asparagus fern Benzene, xylene, hexane, heptane, octane, decane, trichloroethylene (TCE), and methylene chloride 
Aloe Vera: Eliminates emissions from most toxins 
Chrysanthemum: Reduces toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia 
Dieffenbachia: Formaldehyde, Toluene, Xylene
English Ivy: Eliminates petroleum-based products 
Gerber Daisy Adds oxygen to the air 
Peace Lily Removes chemicals from smoking 
Purple Waffle Plant Benzene, xylene, hexane, heptane, octane, decane, trichloroethylene (TCE), and methylene chloride 
Schefflera Benzene, Formaldehyde, Toluene 
Spider Plants:                                Exceptional for reducing formaldehyde 
Variegated Wax Plant Benzene, xylene, hexane, heptane, octane, decane, trichloroethylene (TCE), and methylene chloride


©Jamie Nowinski 5/10/2012

Garden Gate Nursery. (2011). Retrieved from The Garden Gate Nursery and Floral: http://www.gardengatenursery.com/gardentips/gardendesign/58-healthbenefitsofhouseplants.html

Science, A. S. (2009, November 4). Common Plants Can Eliminate Indoor Air Pollutants. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 10, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2009/11/091104140816.htm

Wolverton, B. C. (1997.). How To Grow Fresh Air. New York: Penguin Books.

Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



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I am a putterer.  A putterer, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, is a person who regularly or occasionally engages in an activity as a pastime rather than as a profession.  I have named myself this because it is impossible to keep my mind from flitting from one subject to the next.  Where some people have the ability to focus on one thing exclusively and become good at it, I on the other hand, flit about, or putter with hundreds of things.  I guess I get bored or maybe I have adult ADHD and this is what it looks like.  Who knows?  All I know is that I cannot stick with any one thing so diligently, that I actually succeed at that one thing in a big way.  I guess I am the epitome of the quote, “Jack of all Trades; master of none”.

Here are some things that I have puttered with…

Singing.  I have always wanted to be a singer.  As a little girl, I stood in the bathroom mirror and sang to Donny Osmond and Michael Jackson songs.  At 17, I joined a band for about six months and lost my voice singing “Highway to Hell” by AC-DC.  I have sung at karaoke night, been in a talent show, and even tried out for “The Voice”.

At one point in my early years, I was not happy with myself; and I hated the way I spoke.  Following this further, I went to the library, picked up some English workbooks, and taught myself proper English.  It was not that hard, I had learned English in school. I just used too much slang when I spoke.  This helped me talk better and made me feel comfortable around others.

When my children were young, my family needed another income, but I did not want to get a job outside the home and leave my kids with strangers.  So I opened up my own daycare. It was a legitimate business with a license and a food program.  I had many clients with many babies who came and went through my home while my kids were growing up.  I even claimed it on my taxes.  Nevertheless, I got bored and it was hard always having your home as a place of business. Consequently, daycare led to going back to school full-time and working part-time to become a teacher.  After all, I still enjoyed kids; I just did not want to have them in my house.  With my own children older and in school all day, I could now focus on getting a BA in Education.

However, that still was not enough for me.  I then began reading about alternative medicine. No, I didn’t become a doctor! However, I did learn some interesting things about supplements, and ailments, and different cures for everyday things.  I also learned how eating affects your health, which lead to cooking!

Trying out different and healthy recipes became a new hobby of mine.  I took old recipes and adjusted them to the new and improved recipes.  I collected recipe books from garage sales and thrift stores.  I made some delicious meals and a few duds that even the dog would not eat.

I took up hobbies like sewing, woodworking, and gardening.  I collected books on each of those subjects, too.  I have made curtains for my whole house and for a few family members’ homes. One Easter Break, I decided to make a queen-sized bed out of pine. (I still sleep on this bed.) In addition, every spring I plant my garden of tomatoes, broccoli, and cucumbers.  I still have not perfected a good gardening technique.

When my bathroom desperately needed to be gutted and redone, I convinced my husband we could DIY it.  That too began on an Easter Break and lasted a few weeks after break to my husband’s dismay.  I have since, challenged myself to redo a room for under $500, laid two laminate floors, and painted every room in my house twice.

Then there is writing….  I have always, as long as I can remember, written: Diaries, journals, stories, jokes, articles, poems, and now, blogs.  I have tried to write novels, without much luck, because, I believe, I cannot stick with anything that long.  However, short blogs, short anything, I can do.

I am not sure if I will ever find one thing, I can stick with long enough to be good at it. I guess I really like to putter.  Oh, did I mention that I have been married 31 years?  Maybe I am a star at marriage.  Who knew???

Are you a putterer or dabbler like me?  Tell us about the puttering you do in your daily life.

Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.