Monthly Archives: June 2012


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Little Girls Blowing Bubbles Balloon-in-Soap-Bubbles-Pictures-39033.asp

What fun would summer be without bubbles?  It is the season of bubbles, and with the 4th of July coming soon, you may want to have some bubbles around for your parties and BBQ’s. 

You can purchase pre-made bubbles at just about any store for a dollar or less.  This makes bubbles a very inexpensive toy for kids of all ages. Those colorful, plastic bottles of fun have a wand inside, so all you have to do is open the bottle, pull out the wand, and make bubbles.  It is possible to make your own bubbles using common ingredients around the house.  Here are a couple of popular recipes found around the Internet…

Recipe #1 

1 Part Dish soap (Dawn or Joy are the preferred brands)        15 Parts Water

Recipe # 2

1 Part Dish soap

10 Parts Water

.25 Parts White Karo Syrup

Ideas for Homemade Wands could include: a wire hanger, a straw, a piece of string, or an old pair of sunglasses with the lens popped out.  Be creative!

He’s Forever Blowing Bubbles sol/ homepage/ news/ 2571335/ Hes-forever-blowing-bubbles.html

If you are looking for a conversation starter, you can bring up these interesting facts about bubbles.

1.   A Chicago company called Chemtoy began selling bubble solution in the 1940s.

 2.   Soap bubbles blown into air that is below a temperature of −15 C (5 F) will freeze when they touch a surface.

3.   About 200 million bottles of bubbles are sold annually.

 4.   Largest Free-Floating Soap Bubble: On October 9, 2005, John Erck of XTREME Bubbles blew the Guinness World Record largest free-floating soap bubble, 105.4 cubic feet (2.98 cubic meters) in size. If the bubble were filled with water, it would hold 788 gallons and weigh 3.2 tons. To give you another idea of its size, 13,627 baseballs would fit inside of it.

 5.   Most Bubbles Blown with a Tarantula in the Mouth: The longest time blowing soap bubbles with a tarantula in the mouth is 1 minute 27 seconds and was achieved by Bruno Meggiolaro (Italy) on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on 25 February 2010.  A second tarantula was walking over his body during the attempt. The record was part of the Italian TV show “Lo Show dei Record”  See the record at The Guinness Book of World Records.

For more information about Bubbles, you may wish to check out the sites listed below. 

 Related Articles


The Guinness Book Of World Records


The Science Museum of Minnesota


Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Procrastination Station

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Procrastination Station

I have three huge projects to finish before July 18th, and I cannot find the motivation to dive into them.  Anything seems more exciting than working on these projects.  I tried making a list and hung it on my fridge.  Only one thing has been crossed off as of today.  It seems that everything is more important to me than working on my projects.  The sad part is that I am beating myself up over the fact that these projects are not moving forward, yet I continue to procrastinate. 

Here are a few ways I have avoided working on my projects:

1.    Blogging.  Rather than do the work I HAVE to complete on the computer, I find myself blogging.

2.    Shopping.  There are so many things I need at the store. NOT!  Yesterday, I talked my husband into having chicken salads for dinner.  That meant I had to leave the house to shop for lettuce.

3.    Laundry. Although an important chore, it can wait.

4.    TV.   I watched Celebrity Homes.

5.    Daydreaming.  Thinking about all the things I want to do when the projects are finished.

6.    Napping.  I am on vacation, right? I should be able to nap if I want to nap.

7.    Talking.  Chatted with the neighbors for an hour.

8.    Organizing.  Cleaned out the bathroom vanity drawers.  They really needed it.

9.    Re-potted.  The plants in the window looked so stuffed in their pots.

10.  Gaming.  Stupid Bejeweled!

Ahhhhhh!  It does not help that I really do not want to do these projects.  There are thousands of things I would prefer to do. 

This article in Psychology Today,  was positive and helpful.  It says that “Everyone procrastinates sometimes, but 20 percent of people chronically avoid difficult tasks and deliberately look for distractions—which, unfortunately, are increasingly available. Procrastination in large part reflects our perennial struggle with self-control as well as our inability to accurately predict how we’ll feel tomorrow, or the next day. Procrastinators may say they perform better under pressure, but more often than not that’s their way of justifying putting things off. The bright side? It’s possible to overcome procrastination—with effort.”

Hmmmm, so all I need to do is exert some effort. Okay, so today, I vow, to overcome my procrastination and complete at least two items on my list of chores.  Like Benjamin Franklin once said, “You may delay, but time will not.”   I am running out of time and these projects are piling up.   I have real work to complete! 


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Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Water Your Body!!

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“I’m melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world!”   That is how most of us in the country are going to feel today after record heat hits a great portion of the states. Temperatures are predicted to reach over 100 degrees in many areas and stay in the upper 90’s for the weekend.  According to, “More than 2 dozen states will be feeling extreme heat in the coming days, and countless records are expected to fall in the final days of June.”

When the temperature soars, taking care of yourself and your loved ones can be tricky. Keeping your body cool and hydrated is the goal. Eating foods that are high in water content is a great way to stay hydrated. According to Rachel Brandite, a registered dietician, interviewed on the Weather Channel, the following foods are optimal in water-content.

High-Water Count Foods

Watermelon          cantaloupe            tomatoes              lettuce

Apples                     cherries                 strawberries        Italian Ice

Fruit Bars               grapefruit             peaches                blueberries

Cucumbers             gelatin                   pudding               Popsicle

Garden Salads               


High Water Content Foods

Foods with a high fat count will actually make your body work harder and they should be avoided in the heat.  The thermal effect of high fat food actually makes your body hotter. These foods include potato salads, burgers, bread, French fries, fried foods, and foods that include dairy. 

Drinking many fluids, especially water will keep you healthy and hydrated.  Avoid sugar sweetened or artificially sweetened drinks, alcoholic beverages and coffee.  These drinks actually dehydrate the body and could lead to overheating.  

Most of all, take it easy.  Work and play slowly, and keep your body hydrated. Weather this hot call for playing in the sprinkler, diving in the pool, or sitting in the shade.  Let the ice melt in a nice cool drink, but keep your body cool.


Related Articles and Posts

Foods that are “Cool”

15 Ways to Keep Cool when it is Hot


How to BEAT THE HEAT! City Shares Tips on How to Stay Cool During Heat Wave

Grandmother’s Ginger Lemonade


Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


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Grandmother Musings is so grateful to all of the wonderful people who have taken the  time to visit this site and look around. When this blog was started, 500 likes seemed like an impossible goal, and now look, here it is!  Thank you so much for your support.  Enjoy the day! 🙂

I would also like to invite you to take a look at my post at . It is a Grandmother Musing about the Las Vegas Airport.  Thank you to AirportsMadeSimple for posting my thoughts.  




Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Should I Give my Child an Allowance?

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Piggy Bank Savings

          An allowance is an amount of money given on a regular basis for the purpose of helping the person cover business or living expenses, according to Of course, we do not envision our children flying out on a business trip or even paying for their own housing any time soon.  However, the idea of giving our child an allowance is one that we often ponder as our child begins to get older.  We wonder if giving our child money is the right thing to do. At what age should allowances begin?  How much should we give and how often? Finally, how will an allowance benefit the child?

          Many financial gurus like Paul Lermitte, believe that parents need to teach their kids about money.  Since money is something that everyone eventually must use and manage, it is important for parents to introduce healthy habits and attitudes about money. In his book, Allowances: Dollars and Sense, Mr. Lermitte discusses six dangers associated with not teaching your children about money. These include financial dependency, destructive values, debt, loss of confidence, teaching the wrong thing, and family conflict. Lermitte outlines several universal principles that parents need to understand in order to teach their children financial responsibility.

          The age of the child and the interest will determine when a parent should begin lessons on money. If the child understands the concept of money and that it is used for the exchange of goods, then the child is ready for an allowance.  This could mean, depending on your child’s ability, at age four or five the child is ready for small doses of money management. Generally, most kids are seriously ready around the age of eight. By this time, they have learned basic money denominations in school; they can count change and dollars on their own. The child may even have friends who are already receiving allowances and may ask about it.

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! Children need to learn money sense.

          Figuring out how much of an allowance to give your child can be a daunting task. Some people say that you should allot one dollar per age of the child. Others say you should give what the child’s friends are getting. However, realistically, it would be wiser to review what you already spend on them.  Of course, we are talking about extras like toys, entertainment, etc. and not living expenses like housing, utilities, and the like. Make a list with your child of all the expenses you expect your child to pay with his or her allowance. David McCurrach states in his article, “Give ‘em an Allowance!”, that you should, “Keep in mind the fact that kids have three uses for their money-spending, saving and sharing. Consider all three areas when you are coming up with the amount. In addition to setting the allowance, this process puts an end to the constant  requests to buy this and that and to give them money to do whatever their hearts desire.”     

          Tying allowance in with daily chores can be beneficial as long as it is distinguished between chores that a child must complete to be a part of a household, and chores that receive pay.  For instance, making his or her bed, brushing teeth, and picking up toys after playing are responsibilities that the child must do to be a productive member in the family. It is the extra chores that can be incorporated into the allowance system. Jobs like pulling weeds, washing the windows, and babysitting younger siblings, to name a few, that a parent may wish to put a dollar figure upon.  Remember, that in the adult world, people are paid to do a job outside of their responsibilities at home. This same rule should loosely apply to your child.

          The benefits of introducing an allowance to your child outweigh any fears a parent may experience in teaching the values of money. The child is given the opportunity to try and fail with money decisions in a safe environment with a financial planner nearby-You! Since elementary schools do not teach financial management, it is up to the parent to make sure a child learns good habits and skills. An allowance system is a perfect way to achieve this goal.

Below, are a few interesting places to further investigate the idea of giving an allowance to your child.

Allowances, Dollars and Sense, by Paul Lermitte – Web site and book.

Give ‘em an Allowance!”, by David McCurrach- Article

“Age- Appropriate Chores”, from Family Education-Article and hand chore chart you can print.

Allowance Calculator”, from–  Useful tool to decide an allowance amount.

Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Children by Neale S. Godfrey – Book

Money Sense for Kids, by Hollis Page Harman- Book


“Age Appropriate Chores”. (200-2012). Retrieved from Family Education:

“Allowance Calculator”. (2012). Retrieved from

Crites, P. A. (2012). Should you give your child an allowance? Retrieved from University of Nevada:

Lermitte, P. (2012). Book One: Allowance, Dollars and Sense. Retrieved from Paul W. Lermitte, Family Business specialist:

McCurrach, D. (2012, 1 28). “Give ’em an Allowance”. Retrieved from Kids’ Money for Parents:

Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Quotes from the Masters: Fellini -Silence

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“If there were a little more silence, if we all kept quiet…maybe we could understand something.” Federico Fellini

Stop! Slow down. Take a breath. Listen. Do you ever just listen to the world around you? Surrounded by a myriad of sounds in daily life, how often do you have true silence?

 Everything in our world seems to emit noise. The radio and the TV are obvious noisemakers; however, turning them off offers no relief.  You must then contend with the white noise of refrigerators running, the air conditioner fan blowing, and the clock on the wall ticking. Life is so loud.

 It would be interesting to go back in time to when there was no electricity, and experience the silence. A time when you could lie in your bed and hear nothing but your own breathing. There would be no cars on the roads to wake you with their loud music, no planes in your airspace, and no streetlights buzzing with the sounds of the night. It would be so peaceful.

 The noiselessness, would allow you to think. Possibly, even feel like you could actually relax and not have to move to keep up with the taxing sounds. Maybe you would hear the wind blowing through the trees sounding like nature’s wind chime, or your alarm clock could be the birds chirping happily in the morning. Life could slow down.

 Perhaps, as Federico Fellini quotes, “…we could understand something.” You would have time to pay attention to the words your children speak. You could attend to the lonely neighbor, or take notice of the sadness of a spouse. You would have the ability to remove the deafening world around you and truly understand the importance of what is being said. The seemingly small interruptions experienced today such as cell phones ringing and buzzing, rob you of the ability to truly stop and listen.

 It may be wise to take some time to turn off all those attention-grabbing devices that clog up your hearing, and really listen to what is going on around you.  You may be surprised at what you learn and understand in the name of silence.


Inspired by Bringing Europe Home’s challenge Quotes from the Masters: Fellini


Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Illuminating Blogger Award

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Illuminating Blogger Award


Thank You! I am pleased and honored to accept the nomination for the Illuminating Blogger Award graciously given by Diane at hometogo232.  Diane behaves as a Christian in the writings on her blog as well as in the supporting of her fellow bloggers.  She always has a kind word and a kernel of wisdom to share.  I look forward to reading her posts and her perspectives on daily life.  Please visit hometogo232.  You will love it, too!

The rules are for this award:

1. Leave a comment on the original award site.

2. Choose a random fact about yourself to share.

3. Pass the torch on to 5 Bloggers.

Random Fact

I have had the same neighbors for over 30 years.

5 Bloggers I wish to nominate

Bringing Europe Home

Drew Kail

The World is a Book

Joel Higgins


Please go and visit these awesome blogs. Like them and love them, and be sure to comment on their great content.


Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Weekly Photo Challenge- Create

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Bellagio Botanical Gardens, Las Vegas, NV

This picture, found at the Botanical Gardens this month in the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, is made of real plants and flowers. When I stumbled upon it, I found it amazing.  Imagine the time, thought, and energy it took to create something so unique and beautiful.

The Garden was a creative playground of flowers and plants.  Lady bugs, bees, and butterflies were abundant here as in any good garden.

Bellagio Botanical Gardens, Las Vegas, NV

Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Obsession TV

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Did you ever think that maybe as a society we have gone over the top? On Tuesday, the Japanese electronics giant, Sharp, announced that they were introducing a new 90” LED TV.  This TV is 4 feet tall, 8 feet diagonally and more than 6 feet wide with a depth of 5 inches.  It is said to weigh 141 pounds. It has all the features one could want: it is even 3-D ready and comes with its own set of 3-D glasses. All this for only $10,999.99!

This would be a great buy for someone who needs to have a giant TV that is as big as a person sitting in his or her living room. Since my living room is only 12×20, this unit would take up a great portion of my wall space. I would be a little worried about the 3-D feature.  I might actually hurt myself reacting to an item being thrown in the movie.

I would be the talk of the neighborhood.  I envision my neighbors bringing their lawn chairs and watching outside my picture window. This would be like a “Movie in the Park” that my town hosts in the summer. Maybe, I could even provide my neighbors with surround sound and a set of their own 3-D glasses. In addition, if I were very smart, I would provide popcorn and drinks and make a few bucks to pay off the monster in my living room.

Can you imagine the fun we would have during football games?  This would be the epitome of an “Arm Chair Player”.

When it is 20-below-zero and the Packers are playing the Bears, it would be so realistic; we would have to turn up the furnace to watch. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to view a boxing match or a soccer game.  But seriously, who NEEDS to have a 90” LED TV in their house? Is this not extreme? Do people really desire to experience the violence of the nightly news in 3-D or (God Forbid!) watch a super-large version of “Two and a Half Men”?  And, what will Sharp come up with next?

Just sitting here musing…


Copyright © Jamie Nowinski and Grandmother Wisdom/ Grandmother Musings 2012-2013.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jamie Nowinski – Grandmother Wisdom/Grandmother Musings with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Grandmother’s Ginger Lemonade

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This refreshing beverage was originally posted by Grandmother Wisdom in March of this year.  Lemonade is a great drink for anytime of the year, but it is especially good in the summertime to cool off on those steamy days.

Please click the link for the recipe, and make some of Grandmother’s Ginger Lemonade, today! Enjoy.